Labyrinths are sacred healing paths that have existed since antiquity.  Unlike mazes, which are designed with dead-ends and confusion in mind, labyrinths have only one way in and the way out follows the same route, but in reverse, of course.

Labyrinths symbolize our own personal journey to the healing and spiritual centre of ourselves. Labyrinths are an archetype found in pagan cultures as well as in Christianity.  Indeed, one of the most famous labyrinths is at Chartres Cathedral in France, and was constructed in the 13th century.

Currently, many hospitals and healing centres have labyrinths for patients, their families, and the health professionals to use.

The image above is taken at Gardens Without Borders, Innisfree Farm, Solstice 2009.  A group of volunteers form a drum circle after planting the labyrinth in the background, designed with wheelchair accessibility in mind.  The soothing tones of blue fescue grass outline the path. 
